Últimos restos del Aoristo Perifrástico en el euskera de Bilbao [Last traces of the Periphrastic Aorist in the Basque spoken in Bilbao]
In this paper, I call attention to the conservation of a remarkable archaism in the Basque spoken around the city of Bilbao. I am referring to the Periphrastic Aorist, a verbal construction which used to convey perfective meaning in ancient Basque. Specifically, the archaism that has been conserved in the Basque of the Bilbao area (which in part also entails an innovation) is the use of the transitive auxiliary egin ‘to do’ in the indicative past. Yet, it has to be said that this auxiliary is only used in some forms of the paradigm (particularly in the third persons) and –for some speakers, at least– only optionally. That is to say, besides employing periphrastic forms with the stative auxiliary e(d)un...
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