Eskuzko zuzenketak Gero liburuaren lehen edizioan [Handwritten corrections in the first edition of Gero]

  • Patxi Salaberri Muñoa UPV-EHU [Spain]


The first edition of Axular’s Gero was printed by Guillaume Milanges in Bordeaux in 1643. As so often used to happen, the editors attempted to rectify some of the mistakes in the edition with handwritten corrections. However, not all of the copies published were corrected and the style of correction differed among those which actually were. This means we can verify with some ease that most of the copies still preserved were non-corrected books, no small number of which were then corrected at later dates. The present article aims to identify the corrections made and, at the same time, isolate those which can be claimed original. The criteria used to categorise the versions is mainly based on those copies with handwritten corrections (i.e. the Pau copy, in the Azkue library, and one of the two copies kept in the Centro Cultural K. M.), and, although the hundreds of new mistakes which it contains may at first suggest to the contrary, on what is considered the second edition (Gueroko guero), almost all of the handwritten corrections to the first edition appearing in print. The list of corrections written in the Milanges edition is also provided.


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How to Cite
Salaberri Muñoa, P. (2008). Eskuzko zuzenketak Gero liburuaren lehen edizioan [Handwritten corrections in the first edition of Gero]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (107), 45-61.