Araitz-Beteluko hizkera adierazkorra: biraoak

  • Amaia Apaulaza Ollo [Spain]


The present article aims to provide a compilation of the words and expressions used in the Valley of Araitz-Betelu (Navarra) as curses, oaths and insults. The article is divided into six parts: the first groups together some interjections taken from situations of anger, surprise or disagreement; the second compiles expressions and words used to refer to physical defects; the third is a collection of those referring to defects of personality; the fourth presents a set of examples of ingenious replies or witty comments taken from specific situations; the fifth lists the pseudonyms applied to each of the villages in the valley; and, finally, the sixth gives some of the nicknames used for local residents


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How to Cite
Apaulaza Ollo, A. (2006). Araitz-Beteluko hizkera adierazkorra: biraoak. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (102), 271-298.