Sakaneren gainean egindako azterketak argitze aldera
This short article aims to explain the contents of two articles published in issues 97 and 98 (“Irañetako hizkera” and “Sakanerak’” of this publication in the light of the dialectologist, Iñaki Camino’s article “Arakilgo euskara: kokagunearen auzia eta datuen fidagarritasuna”, issue 99. An explanation of the bases of the statements made in these articles is given, together with a description of the most notable characteristics of the two linguistic demarcations we have made in the Valley of Sakana.
CAMINO, Iñaki, "Arakilgo euskara: kokagunearen auzia eta datuen fidagarritasuna", FLV, 99, 2005.
ERDOZIA, Jose Luis, "Bitoriano Huiziren Manual de Gramática Bascongada", FLV, 82, 1999.
ERDOZIA, Jose Luis, "Erizkizundi Irukoitza Sakana erdialdean", FLV, 83, 2000.
ERDOZIA, Jose Luis, "Etxarri-Aranazko dotrina. Sakana ekialdearekiko alderaketa", FLV, 86, 2001
ERDOZIA, Jose Luis, "Irañetako euskara", FLV, 97, 2004.
ERDOZIA, Jose Luis, "Sakanerak", FLV, 98, 2005.
MITXELENA, Koldo, "De dialectología vasca", FLV, 58, 1991.
SATRUSTEGI, Jose Maria, "Arakil aldeko euskara", FLV, 81, 1999.
ZUAZO, Koldo,"Burundako hizkera", ASJU, XXVIII, 1995.
ZUAZO, Koldo,, "Euskalkiak gaur", FLV, 78, 1998.
ZUAZO, Koldo,, Euskalkiak, herriaren lekukoak, Elkar, 2003.
Copyright (c) 2006 José Luis Erdozia Mauleon
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