Zaraitzuera aztertzeko ekarpen berriak (5 - Otsagi: ahozko testuak)

  • Koldo Artola Donostiako ARANZADI Zientzia Elkarteko Etnografi Sailekoa [Spain]


Unlike its predecessors, this fifth instalment deals with a set of accounts, some related to day-to-day life and others to aspects of customs and traditions, which even venture into the field of folklore. All of these reflect ways of life which have either disappeared or are in the process of disappearing, and all are expressed in the form of speech so particular to the valley. The Basque language spoken in Salazar was included within the Eastern "Basse Navarre" (Lower Navarran) dialect by the scholar of Basque, Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte, in his commendable map. One of the main reasons for such a decision was, it would appear, the use in this version of the language of the respectful speech forms common to Eastern dialects.


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How to Cite
Artola, K. (2004). Zaraitzuera aztertzeko ekarpen berriak (5 - Otsagi: ahozko testuak). Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (95), 5-52.