“Erizkizundi irukoitza” Sakana erdialdean
This article offers a detailed study of the answers gathered using the questionnaire drafted by Azkue at the beginning of the century and centres its attention more specifically on the responses from the villages in the Barranca area (Etxarri, Arbizu and Uharte above all, given the fact that the answers remaining from Lakuntza and Arruazu are somewhat scarce). The study con[1]firms in so doing the high degree of affinity with the language spoken now in these places. In this way, it is possible to observe what Mitxelena foresaw (1991, 183): the scanty dialectological value of some of the questions raised and the imperfect reproduction of the data collected. It is also possible to verify, with somewhat relative dismay, that the data from Irañeta, a village located at the eastern end of the Barranca, not only coincides greatly with the language spoken there, but with those of the other three mentioned as well.
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ECHAIDE, A. M., Erizkizundi Irukoitza, Iker 3, 1984.
HUALDE, José Ignacio, Arbizuko hizkeraren zenbait soinu bereizgarriz, Uztaro 18, 49-60, 1996.
KARASATORRE, Rafael, Barranca-Burunda, 1993.
KARASATORRE, R. et alii, Etxarri-Aranatzko euskara eta Arañaz elkarteko hiztegia, Altaffaylla, 1991.
MITXELENA, Koldo, De dialectología vasca, FLV 58, 1991.
MITXELENA, Koldo, Fonética Histórica Vasca, ASJU-ren gehigarriak, 1985.
MITXELENA, Koldo, Orotariko euskal hiztegia.
SOLÍS, Gregoria, Lizarragako euskararen azterketa, FLV 62, 95-124, 1993.
ZUAZO, Koldo, Burundako hizkera, Asju-ren gehigarriak, 28, 297-364, 1994
Copyright (c) 2000 José Luis Erdozia Mauleón
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