Vocabulario documental de Mendavia (II)
In the second and last part of Vocabulario Documental de Mendavia (Documented Mendavian Vocabulary), the task of listing the words found in the books from Parroquia de San Juan Bautista (1552-1920) and the Town Hall (1690-1834). Many of these have now fallen into disuse, as is the case with “lecherizo”, “lunanca”, “morgones”, “mudalafes”, “nuevero”, “oja”, “pollizos”, “radío”, “rapatán”, “repretar”, etc. Others remain unknown, although I trust someone will be able to help resolve the mystery of their meaning, their perhaps still being used somewhere. These expressions include “lunanca”, “maruecaje”, “onara”, “recupitivo”, “requibe”, “trasmalera”, “urzar”, “zuegas”...
Other words are used to refer to things other than those covered by their normal present meaning: “manos”, “moledura”, “parte caída”, “piernas”, “regalar”, “registrar”, “veredas”...
These words are given along with the proceedings or notes they were taken from.
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