Hegoaldeko Goinafarrera zaharra: aditz laguntzaileekiko ezaugarri zenbait
It is the object of the present article to trace the historical development of some of the verbal characteristics encountered in the Southern Upper-Navarre region. The ancient period (XVI-XVIIth century) is compared with what we might refer to as the classical period (Joaquín Lizarraga, from Elcano; XVIII-XIXth century). Although the study is limitted to auxiliaries, the impression gained might prove fairly representative, in that it is shown that the greater part of these distinguishing features of Southern Upper-Navarrese Classical Basque are extremely recent innovations, from the XVII-XIXth century period. There do exist, however, features which cannot easily be referred to as recent innovations: for instance, the lack of the –n on past forms and the use of zekio(n) –type auxiliaries instead of zitzaion. Of those features proven to be ancient, (at least prior to the XVIth century), it is worth highlighting the use of the *erazan auxiliary in the NOR-NORI-NORK subjunctive forms.
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