Enrike Zubiri "Manezaundi". Zenbait artikulu

  • Marian Antoñana Ábalos Euskal Hizkuntza eta Literatura irakaslea [Spain]


Some articles by Enrique Zubiri "Manezaundi", which up to now have been left out from his collected works, are presented in this journal. Manezaundi, a famous painter, was also an enthusiastic Basque who left us an importan legacy for the Basque culture, made up mainly of the articles published during the Second Spanish Republic. Notwithstanding that, he had for long fully joined the Nacionalist Basque Movement and the support of the Basque language. He was, in fact, a member of the society "Los amigos del euskera" (Friends of Basque) founded in 1925, making his very own the objectives of the society which, in short, were the fight against the disappearance of the Basque language from Navarre and the promotion of the the Basque language and its culture proper. This association enthusiastically sponsored cultural activities in Basque until the events of 1936 brusquely stopped all initiative. Besides the articles, two letters sent to the secretary of the Society of Basque Studies are included in this paper.


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How to Cite
Antoñana Ábalos, M. (1995). Enrike Zubiri "Manezaundi". Zenbait artikulu. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (69), 337-361. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv69.5