Pax Avant: la paz y la palabra en las relaciones transfronterizas pirenaicas [Pax Avant: the peace and the word in Pyrenean cross-border relationship]

  • Antonio Jesús Gorría Ipas Doctor en Geografía (profesor jubilado) [Spain]
Keywords: Pyrenees; border; treaties; faceries; interrelations.


For centuries the Pyrenees functioned as an integrated area with plenty of interrelations between the inhabitants of both slopes. Although this space was an interstate border, it did not exert separation functions for the inhabitants of the Pyrenees. People developed a complex system of interrelations so that we can identify the Pyrenean border as a place of meeting, not of separation. These traditional societies jointly organized the management of bordering natural resources. When this management caused conflicts, they were able to elaborate authentic treaties, known as facerías, to solve them and guarantee a joint management of the space.


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How to Cite
Gorría Ipas, A. J. (2019). Pax Avant: la paz y la palabra en las relaciones transfronterizas pirenaicas [Pax Avant: the peace and the word in Pyrenean cross-border relationship]. Príncipe De Viana, (273), 465-480. Retrieved from