Las haciendas de Zozaya en Cuba de 1868-1909. Nuevas fuentes [The Zozaya estates in Cuba 1868-1909. New sources]

  • José Fermín Garralda Arizcun Doctor en Historia [Spain]
Keywords: Cuba; Miguel María Zozaya e Irigoyen; Fermín Calbetón; sugarcane estates; social networks.


In this work I analyse the situation, problems and evolution of the administration and taxed census in three of the great country estates belonging to the Zozaya family (from Errazu, Baztan Valley) in the province of Matanzas (Cuba), from 1868 to 1909. Some of the biggest problems caused by two administrators are unfold, such as the pecuniary losses of the census, and the repatriation of funds for the family, non existent during the second war, but recovered after 1898. The Zozaya’s private correspondence puts into context the two wars and post-war periods in Cuba, also reflecting the family social and political connections which linked the island to Spain.



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How to Cite
Garralda Arizcun, J. F. (2019). Las haciendas de Zozaya en Cuba de 1868-1909. Nuevas fuentes [The Zozaya estates in Cuba 1868-1909. New sources]. Príncipe De Viana, (273), 401-419. Retrieved from