Eficiencia de las fichas de procesos para el conocimiento de los mayorazgos [Efficiency of the Processes Section datasheets for the knowledge of the mayorazgos]

  • Jesús García de Jalón Sanz Investigador independiente [Spain]
Keywords: General Archive of Navarra, processes, mayorazgo, Viana


We have reviewed the descriptive sheets of the computerized database of the Process Section of the General Archive of Navarra to try to know the number of mayorazgos located in the city of Viana, Navarra. The «Viana and mayorazgo» strategy was used for the search. 211 datasheets were found in response to the search. An analysis of the contents of the files is made, with the result of 29 mayorazgos with main house, movable property and roots property in Viana, and on the reasons that originated the corresponding process. We discuss the findings and conclude the effectiveness and efficiency of the descriptive sheets for the knowledge of the number, name and history of mayorazgos with regard to Navarra and the...


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How to Cite
García de Jalón Sanz, J. (2019). Eficiencia de las fichas de procesos para el conocimiento de los mayorazgos [Efficiency of the Processes Section datasheets for the knowledge of the mayorazgos]. Príncipe De Viana, (274), 951-976. https://doi.org/10.35462/pv.274.11