Arbizuko eremuaren finkatzea [The setting of the boundaries of the municipality of Arbizu]

  • José Luis Erdozia Mauleon Geografia eta Historian lizentziaduna eta Euskal Filologian doktorea [Spain]
Keywords: Arbizu, Late Middle Age, markings, toponymy


Although we do not know for certain when the village of Arbizu was created, we do have sufficient information from the 13th century onwards to see how its municipality gradually took shape. Firstly, I collected the data prior to the 16th century («Book of Second Tithes», «Tithes of the church of Santa María of Etxarri Aranatz of 1360», «Book of hearths (homes) of the administrative and legal district of the Mountains of 1427»), I then went on to examine the demarcations of 1537, 1699, 1827 and 1872, in order to understand how its municipality took shape. Among the data mentioned up to now, we have also echoed other data referring to the demarcations and to the toponymy of the locality.


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How to Cite
Erdozia Mauleon, J. L. (2020). Arbizuko eremuaren finkatzea [The setting of the boundaries of the municipality of Arbizu]. Príncipe De Viana, (277), 465-499.