Gustav Henningsen, un encendido asombro ante la realidad [Gustav Henningsen, an burning amazement at reality]

  • Mikel Azurmendi Inchausti Profesor de Antropología Social [Spain]
Keywords: Inquisition, Witchcraft, Navarre, Inquisitor Salazar y Frías, Ethnography


The article reviews Gustav Henningsen’s long intellectual career from its beginnings as a folklorist in Denmark to his worldwide recognition as one of the greatest experts in the research fields of witchcraft and the Spanish Inquisition, without forgetting his intermediate time as an ethnologist in rural Galicia. It traces his intellectual evolution and highlights the results achieved in the study of the famous faith trial against the witches of Baztan in the 17th century.


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How to Cite
Azurmendi Inchausti, M. (2021). Gustav Henningsen, un encendido asombro ante la realidad [Gustav Henningsen, an burning amazement at reality]. Príncipe De Viana, 81(278), 811-836.
The lives and intellectual careers of Gustav Henningsen and Marisa Rey-Henningsen