Entre impostores anda el juego en el Siglo de Oro. Dos vizcaínos ante la Inquisición y unos conversos toledanos próximos a Garibay [On impostors in the Spanish Golden Century. Two vizcaínos on trial by the Inquisition and some conversos from Toledo next to Garibay]

Keywords: Inquisition, Purity of blood, hidalguía, Jewish conversos, Toledo


In the reign of Felipe II there were a lot of impostors, people who pretended to be others to thrive or commit whatsoever crimes. Through the relations of causes of faith of the Inquisition of Toledo we have identified several Biscayns in the lands of that archbishopric, a name given to those Basques and Navarrese in the Crown of Castile. Besides, the aura of purity of blood and universal hidalguía that were upon them were used by a Toledan Jewish-converted lineage, the San Pedro, to pass themselves off as natives of northern lands. Microhistory allows us, to be able to glimpse the consideration of this group in the heart of the Spanish Empire, their enrichment strategies or their survival.


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How to Cite
Gómez Vozmediano, M. F. (2021). Entre impostores anda el juego en el Siglo de Oro. Dos vizcaínos ante la Inquisición y unos conversos toledanos próximos a Garibay [On impostors in the Spanish Golden Century. Two vizcaínos on trial by the Inquisition and some conversos from Toledo next to Garibay]. Príncipe De Viana, 1(279), 13-40. https://doi.org/10.35462/pv.279.1
Research studies in tribute to Gustav Henningsen and Marisa Rey-Henningsen