Las cartillas editadas en Estella e incautadas en Medellín por la Inquisición (1561) [The «cartillas» edited in Estella and seized by the Inquisition in Medellín (1561)]

Keywords: Inquisition, XVI century, «Cartillas» of the Christian religion, Estella, Adrián de Amberes


Some «cartillas» of the Christian religión, printed in Estella by Adrián de Amberes, were intercepted by the Inquisition, in 1561 in the Medellin (Spain). This happened because the text reproduced in the «cartillas» could be heretic. Due to this, the bookseller from Medina del Campo, Alonso de Huete, and his servant Alonso Gallego, ended up in prison, at the jail of Santo Oficio de Llerena.


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How to Cite
Itúrbide Díaz, J. (2021). Las cartillas editadas en Estella e incautadas en Medellín por la Inquisición (1561) [The «cartillas» edited in Estella and seized by the Inquisition in Medellín (1561)]. Príncipe De Viana, 1(279), 59-85.
Research studies in tribute to Gustav Henningsen and Marisa Rey-Henningsen