La Inquisición en Tudela durante los siglos XVI y XVII: presencia e incidencia social [The Inquisition in Tudela during the 16th and 17th centuries: presence and social impact. Inkisizioa Tuteran XVI eta XVII mendeetan: presentzia eta Eragin soziala]
Between 1515 and 1521 the court of the Inquisition of Navarra was settled in Tudela, after several years of resistance to the inquisitorial action by the local authorities. The article analyzes the presence and social impact of the court in the town during the first two centuries of the Inquisition proceedings. Stand out, for their social impact, the persecution of crypto-Judaism, in a first stage, and the importance of the public display of the names of penitents in the collegiate church of Santa María during the entire period.
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