A scuptural group by Catalan image master Ramón Amadeu Grau

  • Ramón Ribera Gassol Licenciado en Geografia e Historia (especialidad Historia del Arte). Universidad de Barcelona [Spain]
Keywords: Amadeu, sculpture, imaginer, catalan, Saint Joaquin, Saint Anna, Child Virgin


Ramon Amadeu is one of the most known and studied catalan sculptors in the 18th century. In this article we analyse the sculptural group he carried out about Saint Joaquin, Saint Anna, and the Child Virgin which are kept in the Tudela Museum-Decanal Palace. Moreover there are also kept the oilpaintings he painted individually of each figure or in group. As we might expect, they had a great acceptance and they were also very famous since Ramon Amadeu sculptured many versions.



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How to Cite
Ribera Gassol, R. (2011). A scuptural group by Catalan image master Ramón Amadeu Grau. Príncipe De Viana, (252), 7-13. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/1921