Fundación y construcción del convento de carmelitas descalzos de San José de Tudela (Navarra), 1597-1603

  • Rebeca Carretero Calvo [Spain]


The barefooted carmelites friars settled in Tudela in 1597, although he did not get over to 1600 when they began to buy the necessary pieces of land to raise a new conventual building. They counted on the economic help of the noble Martín Francés de Urrutigoiti, among another neighbors of the city for it. The work was concerted with the tudelano Juan González, following the carmelite tracista’s design Fr. Francisco de Jesús.
Part of the construction was taken to end by the assembler Francisco Ceballos, although the works of bigger importance González, among the ones that highlight the gypsum kilns that adorn the church’s vaults accomplished them.


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How to Cite
Carretero Calvo, R. (2007). Fundación y construcción del convento de carmelitas descalzos de San José de Tudela (Navarra), 1597-1603. Príncipe De Viana, (240), 59-94. Retrieved from