Del románico al gótico en la arquitectura rural de los valles occidentales de la merindad de Estella

  • Carlos J. Martínez Álava [Spain]


Rural churches, usually following a set pragmatic design, are particularly common in mid Navarre and the pre-Pyrenees mountain basins. Most of these take a number of Romanesque architectural features as a stylistic basis. Stylised and standardised, this principle reigned up until the late adoption of Gothic architecture in the region. Throughout the XIII and part of the XIV century, a structural design characterised by pointed barrel or wooden apex vaults set on transverse ribs or corbels became widespread. A good sample of architecture of this kind can be seen in Berrueza, the Alto Ega and Aguilar in the extreme west of the Estella district. Of all the mediaeval buildings still left standing, the most readily associated with the Romanesque tradition...


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How to Cite
Martínez Álava, C. J. (2000). Del románico al gótico en la arquitectura rural de los valles occidentales de la merindad de Estella. Príncipe De Viana, (220), 307-348. Retrieved from