Tafalla. Judería y sinagoga

  • José María Jimeno Jurío [Spain]


Navarra Judaica informs us as to the existence of the Tafalla’s Jewish quarter as of the XIII century. New documents found in the City’s Municipal Archive have let us know about the make-up, activities and vicissitudes of the Jewish community, particularly over the final period of the Jewish quarter and its synagogue, and, more particularly, the sanctuary to offered a Jewish doctor from Calatayud who arrived in 1492 having been expelled from Aragón and was taken in by the city at the request of both the local archpriest and mayor. When in 1498 he had to decide between being expelled from Navarre or baptism, it would seem that he decided to stay in the town under a Christian name, taking...


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How to Cite
Jimeno Jurío, J. M. (2000). Tafalla. Judería y sinagoga. Príncipe De Viana, (220), 373-405. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/2489