Los vascones antes de la época de Augusto [Bascons defore augustus period]


  • Fernando Pérez de Laborda Doctor en Historia por la Universidad del País Vasco [Spain]
Keywords: Vascons, Augustus, crómlechs, Leizarán, Turma Salluitana, Iberian horsemen, the two Pompey, Sertorius, Ptolomy


Vascons are fully present in Greco-Roman classical sources in the first Century B.C., with the Sertorian Wars, but until that time, we can only deal with uncertainties. This is the reason why some sources have been looked over again, such as Avenio’s Ora maritima; prehistoric monuments on the western Pyrenees and what has been called línea de Leizarán; Iberian horseman coins and their dies; horsemen of the Turma Salluitana who took Ascoli at the service of Pompey Strabo, father of Pompey the Great; Sertorious’ campaign and his way through Calahorra and the Vascons territory; etc. In this paper we consider if we should accept C. Ptolomy’s writings that suggest that Vascons arrived to Alagon, near Zaragoza, along the right bank...


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How to Cite
Pérez de Laborda, F. (2011). Los vascones antes de la época de Augusto [Bascons defore augustus period]. Príncipe De Viana, (253), 149-167. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/528
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