El derribo de murallas y castillos navarros tras la conquista. Antiguas y nuevas perspectivas [The Demolition of Walls and Castles in Navarre after the Conquest. Old and New Perspectives]


  • José Miguel Escribano Páez Universidad de Alcalá [Spain]
Keywords: walls, castles, cronics, chroniclers, conquest, early modern warfare


This paper tries to review the different historiographic interpretations of the demolition of the castles and walls in Navarre after the conquest to explain how it has been understood in different times depending on the various approaches of the authors who have written about it. In second place this article aims to enrich our knowledge about this event considering the different ways in wich it was perceived by his contemporaries, clear reflection of the plurality of the society of the time.



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How to Cite
Escribano Páez, J. M. (2012). El derribo de murallas y castillos navarros tras la conquista. Antiguas y nuevas perspectivas [The Demolition of Walls and Castles in Navarre after the Conquest. Old and New Perspectives]. Príncipe De Viana, (254), 583-597. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/569
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