Los consejos provinciales y su documentación. El fondo documental de Consejo Provincial de Navarra (1845-1868) [The provincial councils and their documentation. The fonds of the Provincial Council of Navarre (1845-1868)]

  • Diego Val Arnedo Técnico Superior de Archivos. Archivo Real y General de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: provincial councils, territorial administration of the State, identification of documentary fonds, provincial diputations archives


The provincial councils (1845-1868) played an important role as agents of the territorial administration of the Spanish liberal state. However, the heterogeneous range of attributions they had, as well as the fact that a significant share of their legal powers and their documentation were later inherited by the provincial diputations, have resulted in a blur of that character. The tasks of identification and organization of the fonds of the Provincial Council of Navarre completed in the Royal and General Archive of Navarre (AGN) has meant an opportunity to recreate the real nature of this institution by means of archival work.



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How to Cite
Val Arnedo, D. (2014). Los consejos provinciales y su documentación. El fondo documental de Consejo Provincial de Navarra (1845-1868) [The provincial councils and their documentation. The fonds of the Provincial Council of Navarre (1845-1868)]. Príncipe De Viana, (260), 717-743. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/737
Archival History