Aportaciones a los contactos etnoculturales de Navarra desde la Prehistoria a la Edad del Hierro [Some contributions to the study of ethnocultural contacts in Navarre, since Prehistory to Iron Age]

  • Martín Almagro-Gorbea Académico Anticuario de la Real Academia de la Historia [Spain]
Keywords: Prehistory, Navarre, Founding Hero, stele, Urnfield Culture, Celts, Vascones


Analysis of some aspects of ethno-cultural prehistoric contacts of Navarre until the Iron Age. Special reference is given to the genetic complexity of its population and to the long Indo-European tradition of belief in the ancestor as Founding Hero and patron deity of the family and social group. His evolution is analyzed with the interesting documents existing in Navarre since the Bell Beker period until the High Middle Ages.



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How to Cite
Almagro-Gorbea, M. (2015). Aportaciones a los contactos etnoculturales de Navarra desde la Prehistoria a la Edad del Hierro [Some contributions to the study of ethnocultural contacts in Navarre, since Prehistory to Iron Age]. Príncipe De Viana, (261), 13-40. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/756