Navarra en el cine del mundo. Un resumen de la presencia de personas, personajes y paisajes navarros, en el cine internacional del siglo XX [Navarre in world cinema. A summary of the presence of Navarrese people, characters and landscapes in movies from around the world in the 20th century]

  • Alberto Cañada Zarranz Doctor en Ciencias de la Información. Director de Programación de la Filmoteca de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: cinema, Navarre, people, characters, film location, San Fermín


In this text the main references to Navarre in world cinema are collected, excluding those related to Spanish cinema. Our goal is to know how our land, our (real or fictional) people or their contribution to the cinema of the world has been represented. Separate sections are devoted to people and characters of Navarre starring in film narratives, filmmakers born in Navarra who have exercised their main task outside of Spain, the landscape of our land as the scene of international films, and finally, events that happen here as protagonists of foreign fiction. Those characters or elements that have a minimal relevance in their films have been taken into account.



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How to Cite
Cañada Zarranz, A. (2015). Navarra en el cine del mundo. Un resumen de la presencia de personas, personajes y paisajes navarros, en el cine internacional del siglo XX [Navarre in world cinema. A summary of the presence of Navarrese people, characters and landscapes in movies from around the world in the 20th century]. Príncipe De Viana, (261), 265-289. Retrieved from