Indianos, segundones y el contexto trasatlántico de la reforma económica en la Theorica, y práctica del comercio y de marina (1742) de... Indianos, second-born sons, and the transatlantic context for economic reform in Geronimo de Uztáriz's Theory and Practice of Commerce and Maritime affairs (1742)

  • Jonathan Carlyon Profesor titular. Departamento de Lenguas, Literaturas y Culturas Extranjeras. Colorado State [Spain]
Keywords: Uztáriz, Enlightenment, economy, discourse, transatlantic, culture


The most important economist of the Reign of Philip V, Geronimo de Uztáriz postulated an enlightened secular space based on the transatlantic experience. Using the social category of Indiano, he developed a symbolic discourse, formulated by the Hispanic Colonial legacy, in which he argued for religious reforms that could foment the commercial success exemplified in those Spaniards –the Indianos– whose move to the Indias had allowed for them to enjoy a better quality of life.



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How to Cite
Carlyon, J. (2015). Indianos, segundones y el contexto trasatlántico de la reforma económica en la Theorica, y práctica del comercio y de marina (1742) de. Indianos, second-born sons, and the transatlantic context for economic reform in Geronimo de Uztáriz’s Theory and Practice of Commerce and Maritime affairs (1742). Príncipe De Viana, (262), 673-684. Retrieved from