El obispo D. Miguel José de Irigoyen (1785-1852) [The bishop Miguel José de Irigoyen (1785-1852)]

  • Gaspar Castellano de Gastón Doctor en Historia [Spain]
Keywords: house, Baztán, priest, Governor, Bishopric, Irigoyen, ecclesiastical, Zamora, Calahorra


The priest and future bishop Miguel José de Irigoyen was a descendant of the significant Baztan houses from «la hora navarra del XVIII». However, he lived in a less glorious period than the one in which his ancestors built and lived. He was senator of Navarra from 1837 to 1838, as well as bishop of Zamora (1848-1850) and Calahorra (1850-1852). The focus of this talk will be on the biography of Miguel de Irigoyen. His biography will be explained from two perspectives; firstly, his ecclesiastical and political profile as the priest of Pamplona cathedral but also as a judicial vicar and governor within the diocese during a difficult and tumultuous political period both for the monarchy and for the old.



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How to Cite
Castellano de Gastón, G. (2015). El obispo D. Miguel José de Irigoyen (1785-1852) [The bishop Miguel José de Irigoyen (1785-1852)]. Príncipe De Viana, (262), 755-766. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/778