Inventario Arquitectónico de Navarra, una herramienta integral para la gestión del patrimonio inmueble [Architectural Inventory of Navarra, a tool for integrated immovable heritagemanagement]

  • Fernando Cañada Palacio Muraria S. L. Gestión de patrimonio cultural [Spain]
  • Roberto Ciganda Elizondo Muraria S. L. Gestión de patrimonio cultural [Spain]
Keywords: cultural heritage management, architecture, urbanism, protection and documentation tools, inventories and catalogues of cultural heritage, interdisciplinary teams


After more than one decade of work, the Architectural Inventory of Navarre provides an updated view of the real estate that constitutes the Cultural Heritage of the Foral Community. Promoted by the Architectural Heritage Section of Navarre’s Government, it continues a long legacy of tools created for the heritage administration. The text presents this new tool, developed by an interdisciplinary team of architects and historians-Art historians. It introduces important innovations to provide a holistic vision of the value of this heritage, connecting it to its historic-cultural, administrative, legal and social context. For that purpose it deals with their antecedents, objectives, methodology and informative characteristics and a first balance of results is offered.



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How to Cite
Cañada Palacio, F., & Ciganda Elizondo, R. (2015). Inventario Arquitectónico de Navarra, una herramienta integral para la gestión del patrimonio inmueble [Architectural Inventory of Navarra, a tool for integrated immovable heritagemanagement]. Príncipe De Viana, (262), 973-984. Retrieved from