Alexander Tapia Perurena, Iruñeko olerkaria. Bere lanaren azterketa estilistikoa [Alexander Tapia Perurena, Pamplona-born poet. Stylistic analysis of his work]

  • Joxemiel Bidador [Spain]
Keywords: Alexander Tapia Perurena, Basque literature, poetry, Navarre


The article provides a stylistic study of the work of Alexander Tapia Perurena (Pamplona,
1899-1957), mainly consisting of poems and a play. His poems have an extremely
lyrical tone and deal with subjects related to nature and the earth. They are addressed
from a romantic and Christian humanist perspective. The language he uses in his works
is the highbrow, elaborate Basque common among writers of the day.


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How to Cite
Bidador, J. (2016). Alexander Tapia Perurena, Iruñeko olerkaria. Bere lanaren azterketa estilistikoa [Alexander Tapia Perurena, Pamplona-born poet. Stylistic analysis of his work]. Príncipe De Viana, (264), 131-146. Retrieved from
The history of the Basque language and Basque literature in Navarre