El euskara en los medios de comunicación navarros durante el siglo XX: incidencia de la ley del vascuence en la información] Euskara nafar hedabideetan XX. mendean: euskararen legearen eragina informazioan]

  • Joxemiel Bidador [Spain]
Keywords: media, journalism, Basque language, history of the 20th century in Navarre


The article reflects the presence of the Basque language in the Navarrese media of the 20th century. It starts by citing the rare contributions in the press prior to the 1936 revolt, before centring on the Basque-language supplement to the journal Príncipe de Viana published by the Francoist Provincial Council during the dictatorship and concluding with the disparate situation which commenced during the years of the transition, primarily focusing on the supplements Nafarroa Gaur and Nafarkaria, the radio station Euskal Herria Irratia and the local media, magazines and municipal radio stations.


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How to Cite
Bidador, J. (2016). El euskara en los medios de comunicación navarros durante el siglo XX: incidencia de la ley del vascuence en la información] Euskara nafar hedabideetan XX. mendean: euskararen legearen eragina informazioan]. Príncipe De Viana, (264), 353-364. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/833
The history of journalism in Navarre