Los archivos municipales en Navarra. La influencia de los condicionamientos en la creación de un espacio desarticulado [The municipal archives in Navarre. The influence of constraints in the creation of a disjointed space]

  • Carlos Maiza Ozcoidi Balduquena, S. L. [Spain]
Keywords: Municipal archives, local entities, Navarre, documental management enterprises


The external archivistical activity in the municipal environment is conditioned by diverse factors. The influence of the culture of modernity has caused an evolution of the concept of archive that has caused an artificial fracture between the historical file and the office file. However, the nature of the archives of small localities makes the resolution of this contradiction easier. The problem of the disorganization and precarious preservation of the documentation has remained constant until the contemporary time, in which the possibilities of development and the attainment of an organic and coherent fund involves solving obstacles of architectonic, technical and intellectual nature.



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How to Cite
Maiza Ozcoidi, C. (2017). Los archivos municipales en Navarra. La influencia de los condicionamientos en la creación de un espacio desarticulado [The municipal archives in Navarre. The influence of constraints in the creation of a disjointed space]. Príncipe De Viana, (266), 1383-1408. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/870
Archives of Navarre: Present situation and future challenges