El linaje navarro de los Murieta y sus vínculos con la Orden del Temple [The Navarrese family line of Murieta and its links with the Knights Templar]

  • Salvador Remírez Vallejo Doctor en Historia y Arqueología [Spain]
Keywords: Family line of Murieta, 12th century Navarrese aristocracy, Templars in Hispanic Kingdoms, Brothers and lay brothers, arms and horses


The present work aims to provide a historical and genealogical reconstruction of the Navarrese lineage of the Murietas in the 12th century, a group of nobles little known to medieval research. Prosopographic analysis of the members of the lineage has revealed relevant information of a socio-political and religious nature. In the political and military sphere, fidelity to the Pamplonese monarchy through the performance of certain landholder duties is worthy of note. In religious and spiritual aspects, their predilection for the Templars is evident, joining the militia as brothers and lay brothers and in several cases requesting burial on Templar property.



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How to Cite
Remírez Vallejo, S. (2018). El linaje navarro de los Murieta y sus vínculos con la Orden del Temple [The Navarrese family line of Murieta and its links with the Knights Templar]. Príncipe De Viana, (269), 779-806. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/920