La vida escénica en Pamplona, 2016 [Theatre Scene in Pamplona, 2016]

  • Gustavo Charles Facultad de Filología. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia [Spain]
Keywords: Theatre scene, stage arts, Pamplona, 2016, Theatre Semiotics


The present study tries to reconstruct, following the methodology of Theatre Semiotics, the theatre scene in Pamplona in the year 2016. After an introductory section –explaining the origin, objectives and scope of the study– the state of the question is analysed, and the documentary sources that the author has used for his research are detailed. Theatre venues in Pamplona are briefly reviewed, and the plays that were performed in 2016 are listed, along with their authors and the companies that staged them. The author closes the study analysing the sociology of the theatrical fact and extracting a series of general conclusions about the theatre scene in Pamplona.



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How to Cite
Charles, G. (2018). La vida escénica en Pamplona, 2016 [Theatre Scene in Pamplona, 2016]. Príncipe De Viana, (270), 191-229. Retrieved from
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