Nuevos consensos sociales plurales para el fomento de la lengua vasca en Navarra [New social and plural consensus for the promotion of the Basque language in Navarre]

  • Xabier Erize Etxegarai Sociolingüista, doctor en Filología, académico correspondiente de Euskaltzaindia/Real Academia de la Lengua Vasca (euskaltzain urgazlea). [Spain]
Keywords: Euskera (The Basque Language), sociolinguistics, Navarre, language consensus, language policy


There is a problem of a considerable level of social controversy concerning the Basque language in Navarra going back over a long period and which remains unresolved. The aim of this sociolinguistic research consists of analysing the discourse centred on Basque in terms of consensus and disagreement, and to identify further possible means of social consensus. It is a highly significant issue. The participants involved are 24 people who represent social and plural references of all the linguistic and ideological-political profiles. The methodology has been qualitative with group dynamics involving experts. The aim has been achieved. It is an innovative study with implications for future language policy with a wide social impact.



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How to Cite
Erize Etxegarai, X. (2018). Nuevos consensos sociales plurales para el fomento de la lengua vasca en Navarra [New social and plural consensus for the promotion of the Basque language in Navarre]. Príncipe De Viana, (271), 741-777. Retrieved from