Un estudio sobre una familia carlista de Pamplona durante la Guerra Civil: los Cabañas-Mecoleta [A study of a Carlist family from Pamplona during the Spanish Civil war: Cabañas-Mecoleta]

  • Juan Cruz Alli Aranguren Doctor en Derecho e Historia [Spain]
Keywords: Family catholic and carlist, Civil war


Collects and analyzes a monograph on the physical, human, historic-political and economic means of a Carlist (Monarquical and Catholic traditionalim) family of Pamplona during the Spanish civil war (1936-1939). (This family shows itself) It is intended as a traditionalist family through the analysis of each of its members, their life, business and personal commitments with their ideology and conflict of the moment.



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How to Cite
Alli Aranguren, J. C. (2018). Un estudio sobre una familia carlista de Pamplona durante la Guerra Civil: los Cabañas-Mecoleta [A study of a Carlist family from Pamplona during the Spanish Civil war: Cabañas-Mecoleta]. Príncipe De Viana, (271), 633-694. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/956