De Oiasso a Huarcha: testimonios sobre un puerto medieval en el Bidasoa [From Oiasso to Huarcha: evidences about a Medieval harbour in the Bidasoa]
In Roger de Howden’s work (XIIth century) a harbour of problematic identification is mentioned, situated between the Duchy of Aquitaine and the Kingdom of Navarre; apart from that, the cartographic tradition of the XIVth-XVIth centuries puts a harbour of similar name in the bay of Pasajes. De viis maris, a maritime itinerary also ascribed to Howden, provides more detailed information that allows us to combine all the dates and postulate for that time the existence of an important harbour so far unknown which, as the Roman harbour of Oiasso, would be placed in the last stretch of the Bidasoa and indentified with the name of Oiartzun.
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