La mujer silenciada. Violencia de género en Pamplona durante la Restauración (1876-1923) [The silenced woman. Gender violence in Pamplona during the Restoration period (1876-1923)]

  • Esther Aldave Monreal Universidad Pública de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: Gender violence, judicial proceedings, women, Pamplona, Restoration


Gender violence was one of the main problems which many women who inhabited Pamplona had to deal with during Restoration period. The discourses about the woman helped to prolong gender roles and supported a violence under structural causes, which can be easily tracked in judicial documents. Thanks to these sources, we can analyze the main patterns and characteristics of the explicit gender violence, both through the facts of contention and the interpretation of offences by judicial bodies. On the other hand, the media reflected in a particular way some events and offences known as «crimes of passion».



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How to Cite
Aldave Monreal, E. (2019). La mujer silenciada. Violencia de género en Pamplona durante la Restauración (1876-1923) [The silenced woman. Gender violence in Pamplona during the Restoration period (1876-1923)]. Príncipe De Viana, (272), 903-919. Retrieved from