“Peremustae” teonimoaren inguruan. Euskaratik irakurtzeko saioa

  • José Vicente Huarte Lerga Euskal Filologian lizentziaduna [Spain]


This article attempts to interpret in Basque the term which appears on the altar stone of Eslava (Navarra) within the text “Peremustae Deo Magno Araca Marcella pro salute sua et suorum V.S.L.M.” The theonym has been broken down into the elements Pere (bere, behere) “low”, “inferior world”; ust or must which may be related to the current ost, ust, urtz and urcia “God” in Aimery Picaud’s chronicle. The final -a can be understood as the current Basque determiner. According to this, the semantic content of the theonym would be “The God of the inferior world”.


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How to Cite
Huarte Lerga, J. V. (1997). “Peremustae” teonimoaren inguruan. Euskaratik irakurtzeko saioa. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (75), 167-172. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv75.2