Una música para el pueblo: los precedentes de la banda de música municipal La Pamplonesa (1833-1919) [Music for the people: the precedents of the municipal music band La Pamplonesa (1833-1919)]

  • Rebeca Madurga Continente Licenciada en Musicología y Doctora en Artes y Humanidades [Spain]
Keywords: La Pamplonesa, music band, competition, contest


More than eighty years of history elapsed between the first attempt to create a municipal band in Pamplona and the definitive establishment of the current one, La Pamplonesa, founded in 1919. Now in its centenary, La Pamplonesa and the bands preceding it have still not been the subject of in-depth study. This article aims to commemorate the anniversary of the band and analyse the musical experiences related to the music bands dependent on the municipality which started at the beginning of the reign of Isabella II, together with other artistic activities, competitions and contests that led to the foundation of the music band La Pamplonesa.



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How to Cite
Madurga Continente, R. (2018). Una música para el pueblo: los precedentes de la banda de música municipal La Pamplonesa (1833-1919) [Music for the people: the precedents of the municipal music band La Pamplonesa (1833-1919)]. Príncipe De Viana, (269), 979-1015. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/915