Etxarri Aranazko klaberiako liburua: eliza fundazio zenbait, herriko sorrera-dokumentua eta hamarrenaren nondik norakoak [The book of Claveria from Etxarri Aranatz: religious foundations, document of foundation of the village and system of tithing]

  • José Luis Erdozia Mauleon Geografia eta Historian lizentziaduna eta Euskal filologian doktorea [Spain]
Keywords: «claveria», «cabildo», haplaincy, anniversary, tithe foundation document


In this article, the author has examined the contents of a leather-bound book in the municipal archive of Etxarri Aranatz. It is a book of «claveria» and as the title of the article says, it collects chaplaincies and religious foundations, the way to tithe in the Valley of Arañaz and even a handwritten copy of the foundation document of Etxarri Aranatz. After the transcription and through analysys of the book’s contents, grouped around three main themes (chaplaincies, document of foundation and tithes), the author concludes the article with some unusual and interesting facts. Most of the documents in the book date from 12th and 13th centuries.


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How to Cite
Erdozia Mauleon, J. L. (2018). Etxarri Aranazko klaberiako liburua: eliza fundazio zenbait, herriko sorrera-dokumentua eta hamarrenaren nondik norakoak [The book of Claveria from Etxarri Aranatz: religious foundations, document of foundation of the village and system of tithing]. Príncipe De Viana, (271), 591-631. Retrieved from