Los faceros como institución de frontera: el facero 65 [The faceros as a boundary institution: Facero 65th]

  • María Pilar Encabo Valenciano Gobierno de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: Navarre, territory, limits, borders, town, facero


The faceros are territories not attached to any municipality, which have existed from immemorial time as a model to resolve border conflicts. The territories remain in the co-ownership of neighbouring municipalities, who enjoy their use, without being integrated into any of them. Nowadays, solving the problem of its location is necessary to determine the authority over them. This occurs in the Facero 65 located between Navarra and Álava. Its location on the border, once peaceful, today generates instability and confusion. This work aims to provide data that can help find a solution.



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How to Cite
Encabo Valenciano, M. P. (2019). Los faceros como institución de frontera: el facero 65 [The faceros as a boundary institution: Facero 65th]. Príncipe De Viana, (272), 845-863. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/979